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Fan Dance Workshop at Burleskakademien!

  • Dansens Hus 19 Wallingatan Stockholm, Stockholms län, 111 24 Sweden (map)

Come learn some new feathery tricks from me at Burleskakademien's workshop, exclusive to Stockholm!

"Learn basic through to advanced techniques and tips in only 90 minutes from the feathered delight, Miss Maple Rose!

We’ll start by going through the foundations of fan dancing; how to hold a fan, the types of fans you can use, the styles of fan dancing, simple shapes and flutters. Maple will then teach you a few sneaky tricks to help the more advanced moves be easier for you; such as the kaleidoscope, throwing and catching, the figure 8, and many more. Once we have the foundations, we’ll incorporate them all in a cute routine and practice transitioning from one technique to the next.

Maple is keen to ensure every student gets the most out of this workshop, so one on one attention will be the priority and all questions will be answered.

Please bring your own feather fans as it’s best to practice with what you’ve got, and if you don’t have any we’ll be able to sort some practice ones for you so you can learn before you buy your own set."

It'll be the last chance you'll get to learn from me here in Sweden, so book now! Find more info on the Burleskakademien's page, although it is all in Swedish! To book, email Burleskadademien at .


LÖRDAG 17 SEPTEMBER, 10:30-12:00, Dansens Hus, Wallingatan 19, Stockholm

400 kr betalas kontant på plats (OBS att du genom anmälan förbinder dig att betala)